1747 Buchanan St, San Francisco CA 94115
(415) 922-1244
Parking: street parking and pay parking lot
Hours: Mon-Thurs 8am - 4pm, Closed Sundays and 1st & 3rd Mondays
Last Visited: December 8, 2016
Food: 5 stars
Atmosphere: N/A
Service: 3 to 4 stars
Price: $

If you love mochi and manju, this is the best place to go in San Francisco and probably northern California. Open since 1906, the shop has stayed within the family and is now operated by the third generation family members.

While it's easy to pass by this shop and not even notice it, once inside, the glass case holds many delights including fresh fruit mochi (during my visit, they offered blueberry mochi) along with their staples of red bean paste stuffed mochi with different mochi dough wrappers, lima bean stuffed mochi, and several manju too. Pictured here are red bean paste stuffed mochi sprinkled with soybean powder and traditional white mochi with red bean paste. These handmade treats are super fresh and the dough is soft and tender. Most of the mochi is $1.20 each, but special items like season fruit vary in pricing. Note that payment is cash only.
In case you're looking for Japanese treats, Benkyodo also offers rice crackers, both savory and sweet and the Japanese version of rice krispies treats - ever so delicious.
On the other side of the shop is a lunch counter.
Don't miss this piece of Japantown history! Go early since once they run out for the day, they don't make more.